
  • Transition to a climate bond rating system

    26 March 2020

    A new climate rating system is needed for all bonds, argues Michael Eckhart one of the original authors of the Green Bond Principles

  • The state of sustainable finance

    05 August 2019

    How far have we come, and what more needs to be done? Michael Eckhart shares his reflections based on a career working in sustainable finance.

  • People Moves: Citi, BlackRock, ClientEarth

    02 August 2019

    Eckhart retires from Citi, O'Flynn appointed BAI Head of Sustainable Investing and more

  • China unveils ‘game-changing’ guidelines for green investment

    13 November 2018

    The publication of the first official policy guidance for Chinese investors on integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors has been hailed as “a potential game-changer” for one of the world’s fastest-growing economies.

  • Filling the gap - connecting financiers to energy efficiency projects

    25 April 2016

    A new investor network aims to help investors find suitable energy efficiency programmes, and speed up the flow of capital to this widely overlooked asset class, explains Steve Fawkes

  • Solar ABS: Securitising sunshine

    19 August 2015

    After recent issues from SolarCity and Sunrun, how much potential is there for solar asset-backed securitisations, asks Peter Cripps

  • Green bond growth slows in Q1, but players remain bullish

    08 April 2015

    The green bond market saw some $8.7 billion of issues in the first quarter of 2015, meaning its rate of growth has slowed since last year.

  • Green bond market poised for global expansion, says BAML

    16 March 2015

    Green bonds are set to expand into new regions this year, as the fast-growing market continues to mature, say analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML).

  • A review of the green bond market in 2014

    18 December 2014

    The green bond market trebled in size in 2014 - but who were the big winners and can the breakneck speed of expansion continue, asks Peter Cripps

  • Profile of Hannon Armstrong: A sustainable yield

    06 October 2014

    With its equity raisings, REIT structure and asset-backed securitisations, Hannon Armstrong is at the cutting edge of financing the transition to a low-carbon economy in the US. Its CEO Jeffrey Eckel tells Peter Cripps why mainstream investors are increasingly embracing its formula of sustainability and strong yields