
  • Bond investors ponder fifty shades of green

    12 August 2014

    Recent green bond issues have attracted mainstream as well as committed 'socially responsible' investors. But their views on what qualifies as 'green' can differ dramatically, as Graham Cooper reports

  • Green bonds reach the tipping point

    22 July 2014

    A surge of corporate issues is supporting a bullish mood in the environmental bond market, says Graham Cooper

  • Banks back new transparency guidelines for green bond market

    13 January 2014

    A coalition of 13 major investment banks has backed a set of voluntary principles intended to encourage transparency and integrity in the fast-growing green bonds market.

  • NY Green Bank asks for $165m initial capital to start investing early 2014

    11 September 2013

    New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has asked for $165 million to be granted to the state's Green Bank, in a first move to capitalise the $1 billion bank he expects to open for business early next year.

  • Innovative financing needed to scale up clean energy – report

    08 August 2013

    New financing methods are required to scale up the clean energy sector, given the current environment of declining government support and tight bank lending, according to a report released today.