
  • Insurers go back to basics in biodiversity underwriting push

    08 June 2022

    The loss of the biodiversity has been identified as one of the world's most severe risks, but insurers are only just beginning to get to grips with it. Paul Walsh reports

  • People Moves 14 January: MSCI, Wells Fargo, BIS, Schroders and more...

    14 January 2022
  • Scor appoints Lacroix group head of sustainability

    14 January 2022
  • Carbon allowances - insurers slowly warm to the net-zero opportunity

    09 December 2021

    The European benchmark price for carbon allowances hit a record high in November, but only one insurer acknowledges investing in them and others seem coy, so far, to deep their toes in, as Vincent Huck finds out.

  • Insurers say regulators have the sustainability power

    21 August 2020

    JP Morgan Asset Management and Environmental Finance's sister publication Insurance Asset Risk have joined forces to understand what lies under the bonnet of insurers' responsible investment announcements. Findings were compiled in a report. We present some of the key high- level discoveries, with part one focusing on regulation. Vincent Huck reports

  • ESG's negative impact on returns - myth or reality?

    30 July 2020

    A growing number of insurers have announced new or upgraded sustainable investment strategies in recent years. JP Morgan Asset Management and Environmental Finance's sister publication Insurance Asset Risk have joined forces to investigate the drivers behind insurers' sustainable strategies. Vincent Huck reports on the high-level key findings

  • People Moves: Newton, AMF, LuxSE, Church Commissioners

    27 September 2019

    Newton Investment Management has hired Andrew Parry as head of sustainable investment, as part of the expansion of its responsible investment team.

  • Spurring sustainable investments with capital charges

    23 September 2019

    As sustainability makes its way into regulation, the question of capital charges punishing 'brown' investments or incentivising 'green' investments has come to the fore. While regulators are asking for risk-based evidence, stakeholders are not all in agreement on how to proceed. Vincent Huck reports

  • Insurance & Climate Risk EMEA conference: It's no longer about the obstacles but about the opportunities

    04 December 2018

    ESG investment needs to be more forward looking, panellists warn

  • Grey areas risk overshadowing a green taxonomy, says insurer

    26 November 2018

    Assets currently considered as green could be put at risk of becoming stranded if they were found to fall outside the bounds of a green taxonomy, according to Michèle Lacroix, head of group investment at French insurer Scor.