
  • Misguided antitrust arguments must not diminish the transition

    08 August 2023

    For institutional investors to fully support the energy transition they must not be discouraged from collaborative efforts by antitrust regulation, says Nathan Fabian

  • CSRD materiality opt-out risks undermining EU's sustainable finance package, warns CDP

    06 July 2023

    Proposals for corporate disclosure rules that could allow companies to opt-out of providing sustainability-related information risk undermining the objectives of the EU's broader sustainable finance package, according to an executive at CDP.

  • EU opens applications for new sustainable finance expert group

    13 October 2022

    The European Commission has launched a call for applications to join the Platform on Sustainable Finance ahead of a new mandate for the expert group starting in 2023.

  • EU expert group launch 'call to action' to improve taxonomy usability

    11 October 2022

    The Platform for Sustainable Finance (PSF) has published a pair of reports on the data, usability and application of 'minimum safeguards' requirements of the EU Taxonomy, which its chair described as a "call to action" for the European Commission on "improving usability" for the landmark 'green' legislation.

  • NGOs resign from 'politicised' EU Platform on sustainable finance

    15 September 2022

    Several members of the EU's Platform on sustainable finance have filed a notice of their resignation following the furore around the inclusion of nuclear in the taxonomy of sustainable activities.

  • EU Platform social taxonomy overhaul tackles practical difficulties

    28 February 2022

    A final report on an EU taxonomy of social factors has been published that seeks to establish a common structure with the existing environmental taxonomy by reining in initial proposals deemed too costly and complicated.

  • Commission risks undermining taxonomy regulation, warns EU Platform

    24 January 2022

    European Commission proposals that would allow some nuclear and natural gas to be labelled as sustainable risk undermining fundamental precepts of the EU taxonomy regulation and should be reworked into an entirely new framework, an expert group appointed by the EU has warned.

  • Transition, social taxonomy reports delayed to 2022

    13 December 2021

    The publication of reports exploring how the EU could extend its sustainability taxonomy to cover 'transition' activities, and a separate document studying a potential taxonomy of social activities, has been postponed until 2022.

  • ESG ratings 'opaque' for investors, says PRI's Fabian

    07 October 2021

    ESG ratings are "routinely derived from internal modelling, which is often opaque to investors," Nathan Fabian, chief responsible investment officer at the Principles for Responsible Investment, has said.

  • EU expert group publishes proposed social, transition Taxonomy extensions

    13 July 2021

    The Platform on Sustainable Finance (PSF) has published proposals for extending the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities to include 'social' objectives, as well as extend the existing 'green' Taxonomy to specifically identify environmentally harmful and 'transition' activities to add nuance to the landmark regulation.