
  • Gresham House urges UK government to "provide reassurance" on biodiversity net gain

    20 May 2024

    Gresham House has called on the UK government to provide further reassurance on the implementation of the Biodiversity Net Gain legislation, to help scale up private-sector involvement.

  • 'Naive' to think nature disclosures will help scale up investment, UK MPs hear

    12 April 2024

    Improvements to nature disclosure frameworks may not translate into immediate investment, a UK government committee has heard, whilst Gresham House called for further investor action on the issue.

  • Gresham House closes £450m BSIF II fund

    09 November 2023

    Gresham House has raised £450 million ($553 million) for its British Sustainable Infrastructure Fund II (BSIF II), a fund backed by eight UK local government pension schemes (LGPS).

  • Will today prove a turning point for natural capital?

    15 September 2023

    What is the TNFD's final framework released on Monday expected to say, and will it mark an inflection point for embedding nature in finance, asks Genevieve Redgrave

  • UK government says biodiversity credits will cost at least £42,000 each

    02 August 2023

    New guidance from the UK government on the pricing of biodiversity credits is "a good signal" that will encourage the development of a market for the instruments, according to one investor.

  • Biodiversity credits 'next logical step' for positive impact

    14 July 2023

    Biodiversity credits are a key area of opportunity for investors to address the climate and nature emergencies in tandem, writes Peter Bachmann

  • UK pensions reforms to unlock billions for climate investments, CIOs say

    11 July 2023

    Nine of the UK's largest pension schemes have signed up to a voluntary initiative to boost investment in unlisted equities, which CIOs have said could catalyse big investments in areas including climate-related technologies.

  • UK pension investor acquires £50m onshore wind farm portfolio

    15 April 2019

    UK infrastructure investor Pensions Infrastructure Platform (PiP) has acquired a £50 million ($65.5 million) onshore wind farm portfolio by Scottish Equity Partners (SEP), a venture capital and growth equity firm with $1 billion of assets under management.

  • Sustainable food tech 'hot in venture capital'

    18 October 2018

    Sustainable food technology is a significant investment opportunity, said investors on a private equity panel of Environmental Finance’s Green Equities conference.

  • VC firm launches renewable heat platform

    18 January 2016

    A platform to invest in renewable heat was launched today, and has made its first investment.