
  • Green energy investment resilient despite economic shock

    08 June 2020

    Investment in green technologies is holding up better than its fossil fuel rivals, reports Ahren Lester, despite the unprecedented economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic slashing 2020 forecasts

  • Shell strengthens climate ambitions after investor pressure

    16 April 2020

    Royal Dutch Shell has strengthened its climate change ambitions in order to help meet global 2050 greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets, but campaigners remain unconvinced that the proposals go far enough.

  • Stimulus packages could give 'green lining' to coronavirus cloud

    23 March 2020

    Governments have an opportunity to use their significant fiscal responses to the coronavirus pandemic to help rather than hinder long-term progress on climate action. Ahren Lester explains.

  • Coronavirus stimulus packages 'should be green'

    18 March 2020

    Countries are announcing a string of multi-billion dollar stimulus packages to support their economies amid the disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, but pressure is building on them to demonstrate a commitment to the green economy.

  • UK climate policy now uncertain

    24 June 2016

    The UK's climate policy was mired in doubt in the wake of the monumental vote to leave the European Union.