
  • SDG mapping unhelpful with bond impact reporting

    17 April 2024

    Mapping the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is unhelpful for reporting and tracking the impact of bonds, an Environmental Finance event heard.

  • Green bond funds swing back to black in 2023

    13 March 2024

    2023 saw the growing sustainable bond fund market make positive returns after a torrid two years, with forecasts of another strong year to come. Ahren Lester reports

  • Sustainability-linked bonds: One year after the principles - where to next?

    10 August 2021

    Amid ongoing innovation and accelerating growth in 2021, where should the sustainability-linked bond market look next? Ahren Lester reports

  • Buoyant market supports strong GSSS bond fund performance in 2020

    09 March 2021

    Building on a strong performance in 2019, green, social, sustainability and sustainability-linked bond funds delivered a healthy performance in 2020 as fixed income markets were boosted by low interest rates. Ahren Lester reports

  • Green bond comment, March: Are green bond investors overly cautious about sustainability-linked bonds?

    03 March 2021

    Interest in sustainability-linked bonds among investors has continued to grow, but green bond-focused investors have offered a more cautious reception to the innovative instruments, says Ahren Lester