
  • Gabon deal shows rise of nature bond conversions

    16 August 2023

    The Gabon blue bond is the third debt-for-nature deal of this type signed in the last year, boosting confidence these transactions can be scaled. Ahren Lester writes

  • Gabon secures ground-breaking $500m debt-for-nature blue bond

    15 August 2023

    Gabon has issued a $500 million blue bond to fund a debt conversion which will unlock more than $160 million of funding for ocean conservation projects, becoming the first issuer of such a deal in mainland Africa and on public bond markets.

  • TNC blue bond programme aims to raise $10bn by 2030

    23 September 2022
  • Barbados strikes $150m biodiversity debt conversion

    21 September 2022

    The Nature Conservancy has announced a debt conversion with the government of Barbados, which it says will "unlock" $50 million for biodiversity protection projects in the country.

  • Microsoft among buyers of blue carbon credits from giant mangrove project

    15 March 2022

    Microsoft and Trafigura are among the buyers of the first three million carbon credits to be generated by the world's largest mangrove restoration project.

  • Belize blue bond programme could deploy globally

    25 February 2022

    The blue bond programme that fostered an innovative debt refinancing in Belize could be used to help countries around the world, an executive at a US non-profit has said.