
  • Emerging market sustainable bond investment momentum building

    14 June 2024

    Investors and issuers are responding to the challenges EM sustainable bonds pose, and the tide is turning in their favour. Ahren Lester reports

  • Three key trends driving the global green transition

    20 May 2024

    The market forces driving the transition separates it from many other thematic investments, argues Rahul Bhushan

  • Is Asia's transition finance harming climate goals?

    18 April 2024

    Is the transition label a way to pull the wool over the eyes of investors and the public on climate action, asks Christina Ng

  • Bridging the financing gap for renewables in emerging markets

    03 April 2024

    How can financial institutions help overcome barriers to capital flows, ask Fabian Schlueter and Christian Toben

  • Environmental data: emerging markets have cleaned up their act

    27 March 2024

    Emerging markets disclosure rates are increasing much faster than developed markets, and are set to catch up in the next few years, writes Lily Andrews

  • Labelled bonds: Europe leads, Asia catching

    25 March 2024

    What are the geographical features of the green, social and sustainable bond market, asks Pietro Sette

  • Opportunities and challenges for offshore wind

    08 March 2024

    The industry faces a crucial test in coming months as it looks to shrug off headwinds including inflation and supply chain issues, write Gauthier Martin and Alexander Leff

  • Accelerating global transition to net zero: Japan's financial innovation

    21 February 2024

    Japan's foray into climate transition bonds is a commendable step forward, serving as an inspiration and a call to action for economies worldwide to follow suit, writes Sean Kidney

  • Will the voluntary carbon market stage a comeback in 2024?

    24 December 2023

    There was disappointment over Article 6 at COP28, but the carbon markets may yet have a key role to play in the transition, writes Peter Cripps

  • COP28: a call to action from Pakistan

    01 December 2023

    Progress is needed on carbon capture and storage, putting a price on carbon, and ensuring countries deliver on their emissions reduction commitments, writes Pakistan's former lead climate negotiator, Farrukh Iqbal Khan