
  • 'To be truly impactful, we need to scale the capital base'

    08 September 2023

    Pentagreen Capital has inked its first deal. Next, it wants to create blended finance structures that help attract other institutional investors, Marat Zapparov tells Jennifer Forrest

  • Thai regulator looks to taxonomy to boost green bond issuance

    14 August 2023

    Thailand's financial markets regulator says its 'traffic light' taxonomy will boost green bond issuances and catalyse transition finance. Genevieve Redgrave reports

  • Australian sustainable bond issuance cools amid regulatory scrutiny

    04 August 2023

    Australian corporate issuers have "taken their foot off the pedal" on their sustainable bond plans amid market volatility and increasing scrutiny by regulators looking for cases of 'greenwashing', NAB's David Jenkins tells Ahren Lester.

  • Invest in Asian transition or miss 1.5°C target

    26 June 2023

    With the investment gap growing in Asia, SUSI Partners' Wymen Chan talks of the importance of attracting investment to the region. Genevieve Redgrave reports

  • How banks facilitate the sustainable transformation in emerging markets

    13 June 2023

    Christian Toben outlines the challenges faced by emerging markets as they transition towards a sustainable economy - and why financial institutions are part of the solution

  • Japan's transition finance agenda is derailing decarbonisation in Southeast Asia

    29 March 2023

    Japan treats transition finance as a way to support industrial companies that are locked into thermal power technologies, argues Kurt Metzger

  • Taking sustainable sukuk to the next level

    14 March 2023

    Islamic financiers are hoping to capitalise on growing international ESG demand, Fitch Ratings' Bashar Al-Natoor tells Genevieve Redgrave

  • Accounting for Asia's biodiversity

    10 March 2023

    The finance industry should develop its own methods of biodiversity accounting, argues ADM's Christopher Botsford

  • Eastspring: Some 'sustainable' funds will 'wilt' amid strengthening regulatory scrutiny

    23 February 2023

    With regulatory scrutiny rising alongside investor interest, Eastspring says 'true-to-label' sustainable funds in Asia are set for a much better year. Ahren Lester reports

  • Asia-focused ESG technology on the rise

    20 February 2023

    Technology built in and for local markets can provide valuable benefits, argues Darian McBain. Genevieve Redgrave reports