
  • Sustainable bond 'maturity wall' marks major milestone

    19 July 2024

    Record maturing sustainable bond volumes could slow net issuance, but represents a "significant" next step for a market that is coming of age. Ahren Lester reports

  • Green bonds and biodiversity: a challenge and an opportunity

    17 July 2024

    Greater transparency will make it easier to steer capital towards the theme of biodiversity, which is so essential to securing the sustainability of our economic activity, writes Louis Wuyam

  • EU Green Bond label faces slow start

    10 July 2024

    Investors would be keen to buy the gold-standard of sustainable bonds, but issuers are struggling to meet the criteria, writes Ahren Lester

  • Ground-breaking 'Transition Loan Principles' expected by November

    03 July 2024

    With formal principles on the horizon, the 'transition loan' market could be on the cusp of a new era - a dramatic step-change that could extend into the bond market. Ahren Lester reports

  • Emerging market sustainable bond investment momentum building

    14 June 2024

    Investors and issuers are responding to the challenges EM sustainable bonds pose, and the tide is turning in their favour. Ahren Lester reports

  • Barclays' Hanna: We need to agree rules of the road on transition

    29 May 2024

    Barclays sees defining transition finance and boosting funding for climate tech as key challenges, Daniel Hanna tells Peter Cripps

  • 'Remarkable' Italian green bond demand as key tweaks hit mark

    16 May 2024

    Enhancements to the planned use-of-proceeds and 'additionality' credentials of the new Italian green bond helped the sovereign to secure a record orderbook. Ahren Lester reports

  • Barclays sees improvements in SLB structuring

    14 May 2024

    Although sustainability-linked bond issuance is in decline, the market is taking several steps in the right direction, Charlotte Edwards tells Ahren Lester

  • Wave of change: The state of play on blue bonds

    25 April 2024

    They are currently a niche within the sustainable bond market, but could blue bonds play a key role in turning the tide on water-themed investments, asks Genevieve Redgrave

  • Comment: Are we finally ready to have a grown-up conversation about the transition?

    22 April 2024

    There are encouraging signs we are starting to have a more sophisticated and practical conversation about how to invest in the transition, says Peter Cripps