
  • ESG data a heightened challenge in emerging markets

    09 August 2022

    Ninety One is looking to step up its transition financing in emerging markets, but data continues to be an obstacle, says its chief sustainability officer Nazmeera Moola

  • Why we need blockchain to help fight climate change

    01 August 2022

    Distributed ledger technology has a role in helping to avoid double-counting of emissions reductions, says Dave Sandor

  • TNFD: The problem of 'exploding' data

    15 July 2022

    Nature-related data is booming, bringing the problem of data gaps alongside the benefit of more information, David Craig tells Thomas Cox

  • PRI urges more 'robust' asset owner TCFD implementation

    07 July 2022

    Asset owners need to take 'next steps' on TCFD - particularly on scenario analysis, the PRI tells Genevieve Redgrave

  • Comment: SLBs - still a work in progress

    06 July 2022

    Updates to The Principles are welcome but will not solve the problems facing the sustainability-linked bond market, argues Ahren Lester

  • ESG litigation risk rising - part two

    06 July 2022

    The second part of this feature on ESG litigation focuses on the risks facing companies. Thomas Cox reports

  • ESG litigation risk rising

    04 July 2022

    A flood of ESG litigation involving companies and investors is predicted, writes Thomas Cox

  • Why differences in ESG ratings are a good thing

    21 June 2022

    Divergence between ESG ratings is healthy, as it shows that investors should not treat sustainability as a tick-box exercise, argues Arjan Ruijs

  • Banks need a flexible ESG framework

    15 June 2022

    A more customised approach to providing ESG to banks of all sizes is needed, argues Hans Joachim Lefeld

  • Why Enel turned to sustainability-linked bonds

    14 June 2022

    After kick-starting the sustainability-linked bond market in 2019, the Italian firm continues to drive interest in the fast-growing market. Ahren Lester reports