
  • UK sustainability disclosure rules will be 'quite different' from EU

    02 December 2021

    Early indications are that UK sustainability disclosure rules will diverge from those in the EU - but one expert warns compatibility must be ensured. Ahren Lester reports

  • ESG data and ratings face regulatory ramp-up

    08 October 2021

    Regulators are bearing down on the ESG data industry, Environmental Finance's The Future of ESG Data conference heard. Peter Cripps reports

  • Transparency will be key to Nature Action 100, says Robeco

    13 September 2021

    Transparency of the outcomes of engagement with companies on their biodiversity impact will be key to ensuring the burgeoning Nature Action 100 improves on its climate counterpart, Peter van der Werf tells Michael Hurley

  • Why investors should engage for better corporate disclosure

    25 August 2021

    Direct investor engagement has a significant impact on improving corporate environmental transparency and disclosure, writes Claire Elsdon

  • SGX steps up Singapore's sustainability drive

    28 July 2021

    Plans to require TCFD reporting and the launch of a nature-based carbon market are set to boost sustainable investing in Singapore, Herry Cho tells Michael Hurley

  • Investors use 'up to 100,000 pieces of data' to show EU taxonomy alignment

    14 July 2021

    The sustainability reporting burden imposed by regulation could be lessened in coming years with the development of a free-to-use European database, an Environmental Finance webinar heard. Michael Hurley reports

  • Comment: The Cold War over non-financial disclosures

    06 July 2021

    The fragmented landscape of non-financial disclosures is consolidating, and it is geopolitical considerations that are driving the emergence of winners, and the downfall of the rest. Vincent Huck surveys the battlefield and predicts who will emerge victorious.

  • ESG Data Guide updated amid evolving market

    05 July 2021

    The market for ESG data continues to adapt, evolve and grow, says Peter Cripps

  • Databases and regulation driving standardisation of labelled bond data

    02 July 2021

    Efforts to standardise green, social and sustainability bond impact data are gaining traction, but widespread comparability remains elusive, an Environmental Finance webinar heard. Michael Hurley reports

  • Harmonising ESG reporting - the search for the Holy Grail

    30 June 2021

    The quest is on, to find one standard to unite the globe! Is it destined for success or failure, asks Peter Cripps