ESG controversy scores are impacting bond pricing
05 February 2024Climate risk is still not efficiently being priced in bond markets, but the impact of exclusions and controversy scores give a glimpse to the future. Ahren Lester reports
Regulating ESG ratings: Mission impossible?
02 February 2024As regulators around the world seek to define good practice for ESG raters, they are discovering the complexities of doing so, writes Michael Hurley
NBIM: 'The key improvement we would like to see is transparency'
26 January 2024How should the ESG ratings market be regulated? Norges Bank Investment Management's Elisa Cencig fields questions from Environmental Finance.
TNFD's success depends on connected and contextual data
18 January 2024Technological innovations will be key to ensuring 'early adopter' TNFD reporting companies provide useful nature-related information, James Phare argues
Sustainability assured?
15 January 2024Are organisations ready for regulators' demands for independent assurance of sustainability disclosures, and are investors ready to reward companies providing assurance, Michael Hurley asks
ESG disclosures: more clarification needed to turn grey areas into green
01 January 2024Tightening sustainability regulations means asset managers should act now to future-proof their disclosure processes, Ruth Knox writes
The evolving ESG reporting landscape
29 December 2023The main disclosure requirements in the US, the EU and the UK are outlined by Matthew Rossi and Henrietta Worthington
COP28: The role of quality data in climate reporting
11 December 2023It is becoming essential for asset managers to report transparently on their approach and outcomes relating to climate risks, writes Martina Macpherson
Opening the black box of sovereign debt and climate risks
07 December 2023Sovereign debt investors are ready to use the first-of-its-kind Ascor tool to assess countries' climate progress, Adam Matthews and Esther Law tell Michael Hurley
S&P: Physical climate risk could reduce global economy by 4.4% a year
27 November 2023Physical climate risks are likely to become more material to S&P's sovereign rating analysis, the rating agency says. Ahren Lester reports