
  • Green bond comment, February 2021: Is it time for social bond focused investors to join their green peers?

    03 February 2021
  • Social surge helps 2020 sustainable bond issuance to double

    29 January 2021

    After a record-breaking $600 billion sustainable bond issuance in 2020 in which diversification beyond green bonds gathered pace, expectations are high that the momentum will be carried into 2021. Ahren Lester reports

  • Bank of China transition bond a 'missed opportunity'

    12 January 2021

    The Bank of China transition bond was ground-breaking in its claims to align with the newly launched transition finance recommendations, reports Ahren Lester, but experts judged the transaction as failing to live up to its promise and ambition

  • Green bond comment January 2021: Carmichael coal mine furore heralds next wave of market evolution

    31 December 2020

    An investor rebellion over financing a coal mine could herald a new dawn for the green bond market, writes Peter Cripps

  • Are green bonds funding the transition?

    28 December 2020

    A new study shows weak link between companies' climate targets and green debt financing, say Gregor Vulturius and Heidi Tuhkanen

  • Green bond funds take varied approach to impact reporting

    17 December 2020

    As more green bond funds come to market, institutional investors are calling for more consistency and detail in their impact reports. Graham Cooper explains

  • Green bond comment, December 2020: Should the UK issue a green gilt? Not necessarily

    02 December 2020

    A green bond can help to shine a spotlight on a credible transition strategy. But it cannot substitute for one, argues Peter Cripps

  • Q&A: Stephanie von Friedeburg, IFC

    19 November 2020

    The IFC's Interim Managing Director and Executive Vice President talks to Environmental Finance on the 10th anniversary of its green bond programme

  • ESG Ratings in fixed income: A good start

    19 November 2020

    ESG ratings should only be used as a first step when it comes to assessing issuers, a panel at Environmental Finance's ESG and Fixed Income 2020 conference heard. Ahren Lester reports

  • Head-to-head debate: Transition bonds

    13 November 2020

    Is a transition bond label still needed now that the Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles have been published?