
  • Q&A with HSBC's Daniel Klier

    05 June 2020

    The banking group's global head of sustainable finance talks about the impact of Covid-19, the future of fossil fuel investment, and reveals that the bank has had almost no response to its TCFD report.

  • Green bond comment, June 2020: What use is use of proceeds?

    03 June 2020

    Ahead of the Green Bond Principles AGM, Peter Cripps asks whether the 'use of proceeds' format is under threat

  • Sovereign social bonds to protect lives and livelihoods

    05 May 2020

    An exceptional shock deserves an exceptional response, argues Farah Imrana Hussain

  • What makes a good corona-bond?

    29 April 2020

    Amid the pressing need to rush out Covid-19 bonds, how to uphold best practice, asks Michael Hurley

  • Could Generali's Green ILS framework kickstart a new market?

    22 April 2020

    Issuing green cat bonds could help the Italian insurer to diversify its investor base, Mirko Sartori tells Peter Cripps

  • Russia's bond market is going green

    21 April 2020

    VEB.RF is working on the first-ever national standard of green finance, including for green bonds, says Alexey Miroshnichenko

  • Green bond comment: April 2020

    27 March 2020

    The IFC and AfDB have demonstrated how the social bond market can help combat the coronavirus pandemic, writes Michael Hurley

  • Transition to a climate bond rating system

    26 March 2020

    A new climate rating system is needed for all bonds, argues Michael Eckhart one of the original authors of the Green Bond Principles

  • Strong performance for green, social and sustainability bond funds in 2019

    16 March 2020

    After a torrid 2018 green, social and sustainability bond funds experienced a stronger performance in 2019, off the back of a rallying fixed income market. But performances were highly variable, reports Ahren Lester.

  • Boom time for green bond funds

    04 March 2020

    Green bond funds reported sizeable assets growth in 2019, Ahren Lester explains, as the green bond market benefitted from rising market credibility and the arrival of ubiquitous corporate names.