
  • Direct lending - the next frontier for SLLs?

    31 January 2024

    There could be more bilateral sustainability-linked loans, but Alcentra tells Ahren Lester that uncertainty over the structure and market fragmentation remain headwinds

  • Austria: Greenium justified as there is 'no free lunch' for investors

    23 January 2024

    Up to 60 people work on Austria's green bond reporting, Markus Stix tells Ahren Lester

  • NIB aims for record 2024 green bond issuance after stellar start

    17 January 2024

    2024 could prove a landmark year for the long-standing green bond issuer amid updates to its framework and record issuance volumes on the cards, Jens Hellerup tells Ahren Lester

  • Sovereigns lead 2023 sustainable bond issuance back to growth

    10 January 2024

    Resurgent green bond issuance and record-breaking activity from governments edged the sustainable bond market back close to $1 trillion in 2023, Ahren Lester reports

  • Paul Tang: EU must emphasise transition finance

    05 January 2024

    The EU has been too focused on 'green' in its sustainable finance, the Dutch MEP tells Ahren Lester

  • Denmark: Green bonds are leading to green dogma

    02 January 2024

    Greenium is 'natural course' for green bonds, but is not the objective, Simon Hajaj Ruby Harmat tells Ahren Lester

  • Fitch: Social to rise up the sustainable bond agenda in 2024

    19 December 2023

    Nature-related sustainable bond issuance is set to give social co-benefits greater prominence in 2024, Sustainable Fitch says. Ahren Lester reports

  • Sustainability-linked shipping finance ready to set sail

    18 December 2023

    Shipping firms could turn to more sustainability-linked finance after the IMO delivered a long-awaited net zero transition plan. Ahren Lester reports

  • Opening the black box of sovereign debt and climate risks

    07 December 2023

    Sovereign debt investors are ready to use the first-of-its-kind Ascor tool to assess countries' climate progress, Adam Matthews and Esther Law tell Michael Hurley

  • Sustainable bonds are 'stretching for smaller sovereigns'

    22 November 2023

    New Zealand struggled to find adequate eligible projects for its issue, necessitating robust management of its green spending. Ahren Lester writes