
  • The hidden benefits of green bonds: reflections from an issuer

    11 September 2015

    Issuing a green bond has more benefits for the issuer than mere investor diversification, says Manuel Thomas.

  • US companies commit to reduce GHG emissions - why not issue green bonds?

    31 August 2015

    A growing number of companies are taking strides to address their carbon footprint. Could issuing green bonds be the next step, asks Peter Ellsworth

  • Green bond comment: August's milestones and the promise of a golden autumn

    26 August 2015

    August was not a big month in terms of green bond issuance but the market continued to take important steps along the road to maturity, while participants are becoming increasingly excited about the prospect of a golden autumn, says Peter Cripps.

  • Solar ABS: Securitising sunshine

    19 August 2015

    After recent issues from SolarCity and Sunrun, how much potential is there for solar asset-backed securitisations, asks Peter Cripps

  • Green bonds: The state of sterling

    14 August 2015

    With only a handful of green bonds so far issued in sterling, what is holding the market back, asks Sophie Robinson-Tillett

  • Green bond comment - July 2015

    29 July 2015

    There is no sign that the green bond market has gone off for an early summer break.

  • Analysis: The Climate Bonds Initiative's new standards

    17 July 2015

    The CBI's proposed new standards are designed to shore up investor confidence in the market. But will they prove too onerous for many issuers, asks Sophie Robinson-Tillett

  • Time to believe in miracles?

    08 July 2015

    Numerous policy announcements and actions from companies are helping to put climate change firmly on the agenda, fuelling hopes of a meaningful climate agreement in Paris in December, says Peter Cripps

  • Green bond comment: An encouraging quarter

    01 July 2015

    When Environmental Finance's small-but-dedicated team of green bond aficionados totted up all the green bond issues from the first quarter of 2015, the numbers were a little disappointing, says Peter Cripps.

  • Under scrutiny: green bond impact reporting

    01 July 2015

    Issuers' reports on the environmental impact of their green bonds range from a few paragraphs on hard-to-find webpages to 80-page documents. But, given the costs and assumptions involved, some question whether more is necessarily better. Graham Cooper reports