
  • Environmental Finance Personality of the Year

    26 July 2011

    WINNER: Christopher Flensborg

  • Waiting on supply

    04 April 2011

    IETA's Simone Ruiz set out one blueprint for green bonds at the recent inaugural Environmental Bonds conference in London. Mark Nicholls reports

  • Moving green bonds into the mainstream

    07 March 2011

    Environmental bonds are seen as vital in attracting the investment needed to fund a low-carbon economy. But how can they be transformed from a niche product into a mainstream investment option, asks Nick Oakes

  • Giving credit to climate risk

    05 March 2011

    Michael Wilkins is leading the effort at rating agency Standard & Poor's is to factor climate risk into credit scores – a breakthrough for the integration of environmental factors into the investment mainstream. Mark Nicholls reports

  • Bridging Europe's capital chasm

    05 March 2011

    Accenture's Justin Keeble argues that new funding models and finance sector partnerships are needed to raise €2.9 trillion of investment into Europe's low-carbon infrastructure

  • Painting the bond market green

    08 November 2010

    The emerging environmental bond market is generating keen interest – but how can this interest be translated into issuance? Charlotte Dudley reports

  • The green bank bandwagon

    01 April 2010

    It is, it seems, an idea whose time has come. Support is building for the concept of government- backed 'green investment banks', which would use taxpayers' money to help move capital towards the low-carbon investments that will be needed to tackle climate change, helping to address market failures and focus early-stage investment.

  • Power to the people

    01 September 2007

    The growing enthusiasm for biofuels touches many of the world's high-profile issues: energy, the environment, food supply, trade and a large dose of international politics. Vic Wyman reports