
  • What does the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report really mean for investors?

    17 July 2014

    The most recent IPCC report provides further evidence of the material impacts of climate change. Rory Sullivan outlines the key points for investors

  • Will there be blood?

    16 July 2014

    The stranded carbon assets debate has gathered steam in the wake of a new report on the oil sector and after fossil fuel giants addressed the issue for the first time. What are the implications for investors, asks Peter Cripps.

  • How Zurich will double its commitment to green bonds

    15 July 2014

    As part of plans to invest an additional $1 billion in green bonds, Zurich has adopted a new management strategy. Manuel Lewin tells Sophie Robinson-Tillett.

  • Seeing the green bonds for the trees

    11 July 2014

    With the green bond market experiencing rapid growth, a new type of 'REDD+ bond' that supports sustainable forestry and agriculture has been proposed. Rupert Edwards and Gloria Gonzalez explain

  • Yieldco trend in renewables set to continue

    08 July 2014

    As yieldcos continue to spring up in the renewable energy sector, KBI's Colm O'Connor tells Sophie Robinson-Tillett it is a sign of acceptance by mainstream investors, and explains why he is investing in their parent companies.

  • UK renewables reach important – but modest – milestone

    07 July 2014

    As the UK's share of electricity generated from renewable sources approaches 20%, Seb Beloe hails the achievement, but says there is much further to go.

  • Q&A: VAM's Brendan Adams on the firm's new clean energy fund

    13 June 2014

    Last month, specialist fund manager VAM launched the Accessible Clean Energy Fund. Environmental Finance asks VAM's fund development director, Brendan Adams, for more information about the fund and what it aims to achieve.

  • EU eyes innovative finance tools to improve energy efficiency

    04 June 2014

    Ambitious energy efficiency targets will require significant investment from the private sector. Clare Taylor reviews the innovative financing mechanisms the EU is putting in place to achieve this.

  • World can save $71trn by moving to clean energy

    27 May 2014

    Slow progress in tackling climate change is pushing up the cost of dealing with the problem. It is time for businesses to show leadership and reap the cost savings generated by the transition to a low-carbon economy, argues Christopher N. Fox

  • Profile: Henderson Global Care Growth Fund

    15 May 2014

    Henderson's sustainability themed fund easily beat its benchmark over the past year. Peter Cripps learns about its investment philiosophy – and why it tends to pick energy efficiency over renewables.