
  • Transport starts to move

    01 June 2009

    President Obama's recent deal on fuel efficiency with the beleaguered US car industry is the latest evidence of the environmental pressures coming to bear on the transport sector. Sarbjit Nahal and Valéry Lucas-Leclin consider which stocks are set to benefit

  • Getting smart about the grid

    01 May 2009

    The 'smart grid' will be the foundation stone of the low-carbon electricity system of the future – and, in the US, is set for billions in stimulus funding. But there is a regulatory Gordian knot for investors and developers to cut through, says Cameron Brooks

  • Playing REDD without losing your shirt

    01 May 2009

    Reducing emissions from deforestation will be a crucial part of a post-2012 climate change agreement – and carbon finance is likely to play its part. Martin Berg and Andrew Hedges consider how early movers might position themselves

  • Crossing the river

    01 March 2009

    Meg Brown outlines the thinking behind Citi's recent move from a standalone SRI research effort to a more integrated approach

  • Profiting from pond-life

    01 March 2009

    Many investors believe that algae could supply valuable energy, but profits may take years to arrive, says Vic Wyman

  • A sustainable reinvention

    01 February 2009

    The financial sector needs to reinvent itself in the aftermath of the credit crunch. Sustainable investment should be central to that reinvention, say Cary Krosinsky and Nick Robins