
  • For investors, climate change is now a risk, not an uncertainty

    27 April 2015

    In recent years, there has been a growing scientific consensus about climate change and an increased likelihood of political intervention. Ian Simm outlines some of the ways investors could respond to help them outperform.

  • Private equity may have a lot to learn about green bonds and transparency

    24 April 2015

    There is a worrying lack of fundamental details being made available about the Centerbridge/Senvion green bond, argues Peter Cripps

  • Quotes of the quarter

    17 April 2015

    Environmental Finance takes a look back at some of the quotes that defined the first quarter of 2015.

  • Lessons from the UK's first CfD auction

    09 April 2015

    The UK's inaugural Contracts for Difference auction was seen as a success in driving down prices for the government. In what way will future auctions be different, and who are likely to be the big winners, ask Charles Yates and Mark Hughes

  • Financing a modern energy infrastructure for Europe

    06 April 2015

    Tomas Gärdfors says EU member states will have to align their regulations and cooperate more if adequate investment is to flow to achieve the bloc's energy infrastructure ambitions.

  • Comparing the UK's six listed yieldcos

    09 March 2015

    As the UK's six listed renewables funds continue to tap the equity markets, what are the differences between them that investors need to be aware of, asks Peter Cripps

  • Modi's $300bn renewables ambition for India

    27 February 2015

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi plans to spur a boom in renewables. Charles Yates looks at the opportunity – and some of the challenges – that lie ahead

  • The EC's plan to unify capital markets can help address climate change

    19 February 2015

    The European Commission's plan to unify capital markets announced this week can benefit renewables and energy efficiency firms, argues Martin Schoenberg

  • Independent Glennmont remains bullish on renewables

    13 February 2015

    Glennmont Partners is one of Europe's largest clean energy investors, having raised €937 million since 2009. CEO Joost Bergsma tells Graham Cooper how the firm – and the market – has evolved.

  • The best performing funds of 2014: RobecoSAM Smart Energy

    29 January 2015

    2014 was a tumultuous year many alternative energy investors, but fund manager Thiemo Lang tells Peter Cripps how a 'very active' approach helped it outperform its peers.