
  • Coal, Covid-19 and the rise of renewables

    18 December 2020

    The pandemic has given a boost to the energy transition, and it is unlikely that this trend will drop off as we move to a recovery, amid the realisation that renewables are much cheaper than 'dirty' energy sources, says Paul Flood

  • Hydrogen's explosive potential to green the economy

    09 October 2020

    'Green' hydrogen promises many benefits to help decarbonise our economies, but it may need EU carbon prices to be five times higher by 2030. Ahren Lester reports.

  • Green energy investment resilient despite economic shock

    08 June 2020

    Investment in green technologies is holding up better than its fossil fuel rivals, reports Ahren Lester, despite the unprecedented economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic slashing 2020 forecasts

  • Oil price crash 'will not derail energy transition'

    30 April 2020

    The writing is on the wall for the oil and gas sector, BNP Paribas Asset Management's climate change research head tells Ahren Lester

  • Energy efficiency's key role in Coronavirus recovery

    24 April 2020

    2019 proved a foundational year for SDCL Energy Efficiency Income Trust (SEEIT), but its CEO tells Ahren Lester that this theme is poised to attract more attention in 2020 as recognition of its environmental and economic benefits grows

  • Stimulus packages could give 'green lining' to coronavirus cloud

    23 March 2020

    Governments have an opportunity to use their significant fiscal responses to the coronavirus pandemic to help rather than hinder long-term progress on climate action. Ahren Lester explains.

  • Powering up the energy storage market

    28 February 2020

    Interest in the energy storage market is starting to take off, Ahren Lester explains, despite caution over changing business models continuing to hold back widespread investment.

  • Best Performing Funds of 2019: RobecoSAM Smart Energy

    25 February 2020

    After a tumultuous 2018 for the alternative energy sector, an emphatic rebound for RobecoSAM's Smart Energy fund suggests the future remains bright. Christopher Marchant reports.

  • Best Performing Funds of 2019: Erste WWF Stock Environment

    21 February 2020

    Solar energy holdings and takeover activity pushes Erste WWF Stock Environment to deliver a strong performance in 2019, writes Ahren Lester.

  • The EU's sustainable finance action plan: a progress report

    07 February 2020

    Two years into the Commission's ambitious plan to hardwire sustainability into the financial system, Michael Hurley examines the state of play