
  • Brexit - the implications for renewables

    03 August 2016

    On 23 June, the UK voted to leave the European Union. So what does Brexit mean for the renewable energy industry today, later this year, in 2018 and beyond? Steven McNab and Sarah-Jane Denton review the implications

  • The growing pains of UK yieldcos

    22 July 2016

    Weakening policy support and uncertainties caused by Brexit are among the challenges faced by the fledgling asset class. But it remains resilient, reports Peter Cripps

  • The six dangers that Brexit poses to renewables

    03 June 2016

    With the UK set to vote this month on whether to remain in the EU, Alex O'Cinneide warns that a 'no' vote could be catastrophic for the renewables sector both in the country and further afield

  • Profile: Actis on why renewables make sense in emerging markets

    27 May 2016

    The private equity firm has found that when it comes to making energy investments in emerging markets, clean energy is the way forward. Peter Cripps reports

  • Energy storage – the next sustainable energy frontier?

    21 April 2016

    Batteries are set to play a key role in the transition to a decentralised, low-carbon economy. Can utilities survive the shift, asks Frank Wouters

  • Privatisation 'will help Green Investment Bank accelerate fundraising'

    03 March 2016

    As the Green Investment Bank begins its privatisation process, head of investment banking Ed Northam tells Sophie Robinson-Tillett what it will mean for the bank

  • Energy storage - a technology whose time has come?

    18 February 2016

    Large-scale use of batteries to store electricity could be critical for the future growth of renewable energy. Recent developments mean the sector is almost ready for institutional investors, says Graham Cooper

  • 'Getting right down to the engine'

    15 February 2016

    BNP Paribas' head of CSR, Laurence Pessez, talks to Sophie Robinson-Tillett about the profound impact its latest climate strategy will have on the bank

  • Why MetLife prefers utility-scale solar over rooftop

    08 February 2016

    MetLife's Stuart Ashton explains why MetLife, which has long been associated with Snoopy, has embraced utility-scale renewables, but has left residential rooftop solar in the doghouse.

  • Paris talks - now money must answer

    07 January 2016

    If the pledges from COP21 are to be met, investors need to start treating renewables as a standalone asset class, argues Graham Smith