Absolute versus intensity targets. Part two
15 June 2023Investors often leave companies to decide which type of target is most appropriate for their business. Genevieve Redgrave reports
Absolute versus intensity targets
14 June 2023Investors are increasingly calling for companies to adopt absolute emissions reductions targets, but intensity targets continue to dominate, at least for now. Genevieve Redgrave reports
Assessing the departures from the Net Zero Insurance Alliance
09 May 2023Antitrust concerns are being used as a political cudgel by the fossil fuel industry and its political servants in the US, writes Peter Bosshard
The opportunities of the environmental transition
08 May 2023The energy transition is expected to account for $4 trillion in global annual investment over the next ten years, writes Lombard Odier's Frédéric Rochat
Japan's transition finance agenda is derailing decarbonisation in Southeast Asia
29 March 2023Japan treats transition finance as a way to support industrial companies that are locked into thermal power technologies, argues Kurt Metzger
The ISO's Net Zero Guidelines
24 March 2023The guidelines can provide a common global basis for sound and credible net zero action, providing investors with a robust reference point to form their strategy, writes Emily Faint
Measuring the financial consequences of climate transition
13 March 2023Joseph Noss looks at why backward-looking emissions reporting provides no guarantee of reducing exposure to transition risk
How Canada laid the foundations for its transition taxonomy
07 March 2023A project to develop a list of transition activities is set to grow, Barbara Zvan and Jonathan Arnold tell Michael Hurley
Explainer: The Transition Pathway Initiative
21 February 2023The TPI has emerged as a key investor tool for assessing transition risk, write Rory Sullivan and Valentin Jahn
BP's backtrack is a crucial moment for the say-on-climate movement
17 February 2023After taking the lead for oil companies on climate action, BP has quietly backtracked to take advantage of higher petrol prices. Matt Crossman asks if they've promised to run an Ironman before signing up for a proverbial parkrun