
  • Asset managers must end fossil fuel investment

    18 May 2022

    There's no way for asset managers to hit net zero targets without setting fossil fuel exclusion policies, argues Desiree Fixler

  • SCOR, an insurer committed to the climate?

    17 May 2022

    SCOR has so far been slow to respond to the climate emergency, argues Lucie Pinson

  • The burden of box ticking

    17 May 2022

    Sustainability reporting often fails to capture complicated discussions in emerging markets, FSSA's Alistair Thompson tells Genevieve Redgrave

  • Public sector leasing and lending can help the transition

    27 April 2022

    Non-bank lenders will be needed to help local authorities meet their net zero targets, argues Caroline Davis

  • Showing leadership in sustainable finance through climate transparency

    12 April 2022

    The development of widely-recognised climate scores would allow investors to identify companies and portfolios that are becoming green in the most credible way, says Patrick Odier

  • EACOP must stop!

    06 April 2022

    How is it possible that a project like the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) could be under serious consideration in 2022, asks Michael Northrop

  • What to expect on climate during this year's AGM season

    23 March 2022

    Transition plans and climate expertise on company boards will top investor requests, writes Lucy Hamnett

  • Climate adaptation: we must catch up decades in a few years

    01 March 2022

    The IPCC report has highlighted the urgent need for adaptation finance, says Urs Dieterich

  • Is it right to spin-off brown companies?

    25 February 2022

    Rather than spinning off brown companies, a socially responsible shareholder should instead support an in-house transition, argue Martin Fleischer and Maurizio Parenti

  • It's possible to make progress on an uncertain path to net zero

    14 February 2022

    As the number of net zero pledges grows, carbon finance can help companies show impact on a challenging road ahead, says Saskia Feast