
  • Academics criticise SBTi's 'arbitrary and restrictive' approach

    26 July 2024

    The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has been criticised by a group of academics for taking a "prescriptive" approach to emissions reductions and carbon offsets.

  • Carbon offsetting fund proposed by Arup

    26 July 2024

    Sustainability consultancy Arup has called on the private sector to develop a carbon offsetting fund in the UK as an alternative to "concerning" offsetting practices.

  • 'Concern' over Article 6.2 implementation, says IETA

    24 July 2024

    There is a growing level of "concern" from countries beginning to implement Article 6.2 deals that their approach could soon be superseded, according to the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA).

  • Difficult to strike the risk-reward balance on nature, says GenZero

    24 July 2024

    Investors still face difficulties finding nature investment opportunities that deliver an acceptable risk-reward balance, GenZero has said, as it called for more blended finance options.

  • Rewilding project secures 'groundbreaking' €100 carbon credit deal

    11 July 2024

    A rewilding project in Lincolnshire, England has sold carbon removal credits for €100 per tonne, in what it is being described as a 'first-of-its-kind' deal.

  • Voluntary carbon market needs to "push down the doors of big corporates" on waste

    11 July 2024

    Amidst growing investor demand for voluntary carbon credits linked to waste projects, GRAIN Ecosystem has told Environmental Finance that more needs to be done to "push down the doors" of big corporates to help scale up the market.

  • Verra considering methodology swaps

    10 July 2024

    If requantification is approved by Verra, then any buyer holding credits from that project would have the option to have their units also requantified under the new methodology.

  • 'CSRD will make shipping a hot topic'

    09 July 2024

    The EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is set to illustrate how "pervasive" the impact of shipping is on investor portfolios, a foundation has claimed.

  • Major NGOs denounce SBTi offset plans

    05 July 2024

    The debate about whether the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) should allow for the use of offsets within transition plans has continued, with NGOs and indigenous groups on different sides of the argument.

  • Jurisdictional REDD+ credits to see growth, despite wider challenges, says EDF

    26 June 2024

    The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) has predicted jurisdictional REDD+ credits will see price increases, as buyers become increasingly willing to "pay a premium" over conventional REDD+ credits.