
  • Smucker's climate risk vote is just the starter

    18 August 2011

    A shareholder resolution filed against JM Smucker could pave the way for other companies in the food and agricultural sector to disclose climate-related physical risks to their supply chains.

  • Corporate giants back WRI water project

    18 August 2011

    Goldman Sachs, Dow Chemical and Coca-Cola are among a consortium of large US companies backing a World Resources Institute (WRI) initiative to help companies manage their water requirements and reduce the risk to their business of drought and flooding.

  • Desalination investments seen averaging $2bn/yr

    16 August 2011

    Investment in seawater desalination is forecast to average $2 billion a year to 2015, with almost half of this expenditure going on components and materials, according to US market analysts The McIlvaine Company.

  • US clean-tech VC plummets 44% in Q2

    05 August 2011

    US venture capital (VC) investment in clean-tech companies dropped 44% in the second quarter compared to the same period last year, according to consultancy Ernst & Young (E&Y).

  • Biomass and CCS combo could suck up 10GT of carbon

    04 August 2011

    Using biomass for electricity or transport fuel then capturing and locking away the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions underground could take up to 10 billion tonnes (GT) of CO2 out of the atmosphere in 2050, according to a study by consultancy Ecofys and the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme.

  • Jatropha biofuels set for revival after 'extraordinary collapse'

    04 August 2011

    Confidence is returning to the jatropha biofuels sector, say analysts, despite two scientists this week publishing a withering critique of its success so far.

  • US shareholders fixate on environmental and social issues

    02 August 2011

    Environmental and social issues were at the top of shareholders' attention during the 2011 proxy season, according to Ernst & Young (E&Y).

  • China, Germany, the UK boast 'most stable' clean energy policies

    02 August 2011

    China, Germany and the UK have the most stable and consistent clean energy policies, a boon for investors seeking jurisdictions with the least amount of uncertainty, according to a report by Deutsche Bank Climate Change Advisors.

  • UK's woodland carbon code 'misleads' over offset potential

    29 July 2011

    The UK's guidelines for counting the carbon saved in afforestation projects blurs the line over creating carbon offsets, according to developers and retailers of carbon offsets.

  • WWF forestry standard too weak – Global Witness

    26 July 2011

    Standards set by WWF's Global Forest and Trade Network (GFTN) are too lax and the programme lacks transparency, claims a searing report by the NGO Global Witness.