
  • Industry, analysts react to UK electricity market reforms

    13 July 2011

    A selection of the key responses to the UK's electricity market reform (EMR) announced yesterday.

  • UK sets out to reform electricity market, cut carbon

    12 July 2011

    The UK government today set out reforms to the electricity market, with the aim of driving the £200 billion ($319 billion) of investment needed to keep the lights on and meet climate targets.

  • Sustainability raters challenged on transparency

    12 July 2011

    A consultancy has thrown down the gauntlet to the 100-plus producers of corporate sustainability ratings, calling on them to disclose their methodologies in a bid to improve the sector's transparency.

  • Smart grid firm seeks $150m in IPO

    11 July 2011

    Silver Spring Networks, a Californian firm that sells smart grid platforms to utilities, is seeking to raise up to $150 million in a listing on the New York Stock Exchange.

  • AfriRen taps West Africa rubber with €30m biomass fund

    07 July 2011

    Africa Renewables (AfriRen) is raising a €30 million ($43 million) fund to develop projects in West Africa that will supply biomass to power plants in Europe.

  • Neste advocates biofuels targets for airlines

    07 July 2011

    A mandate that requires airlines to use biofuels would help speed large-scale adoption of renewable aviation fuels, according to a Neste Oil executive.

  • New CEO, investment for Trucost

    07 July 2011

    Environmental data firm Trucost has announced a new chief executive and an additional £1.4 million ($2.2 million) investment.

  • Q2 clean-tech VC investment drops by a third

    07 July 2011

    Venture capital (VC) investment in the clean-tech market dropped by a third as investors focused on modest-sized deals in sectors such as energy efficiency in the second quarter, said US research company the Cleantech Group.

  • FSC engagement with carbon offsets splits NGOs

    05 July 2011

    A controversial motion recognising the environmental value of forests for storing carbon has been passed by the general assembly of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

  • US economy could gain $155bn from clean energy innovation – Google

    30 June 2011

    Aggressive innovation in clean energy technologies could provide a $155 billion annual boost to the US economy, and help it meet its environmental and national security goals. But delays could be extremely costly, according to a report by the philanthropic arm of Google.