Climate change tops investors' ESG agenda – UN PRI
06 September 2012Institutional investors managing $2 trillion in assets have identified climate change, supply chain labour standards and executive remuneration as the most important environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, according to a UN survey.
Solar fund targets UK pension investors
03 September 2012Goldfield Partners has launched a solar energy fund aimed at pension funds and self-invested personal pension (SIPP) investors, with a £50 million ($80 million) target.
Few fish farming companies sustainable – Sarasin
03 September 2012Only a handful of stocks in the fish farming sector qualify as sustainable, according to Bank Sarasin, which warns that the industry faces many challenges in order to become sustainable.
UN launches water footprint guidelines
29 August 2012A UN initiative has launched guidelines for corporate water disclosure, backed by companies including Coca-Cola and Nestlé and investors such as Robeco, Norges Bank and KfW's DEG Invest.
Asria head steps down
23 August 2012The general manager of the Association for Sustainable & Responsible Investment in Asia (Asria), Rebecca Mikula Wright, is stepping down.
IFC to work with Vietnam central bank on environmental standards
22 August 2012The International Finance Corporation (IFC) will help Vietnam's central bank strengthen environmental and social loan standards in the country's banking system, it announced this week.
NGOs slam Bank of America for coal financing
16 August 2012NGOs and activists have criticised Bank of America's latest corporate social responsibility (CSR) report, saying it fails to address the bank's financing of coal power.
Investors chilled by prospect of US biofuels waiver
15 August 2012Waiving the US renewable fuel requirements would send a "chilling signal" to investors in advanced biofuels, according to the Renewable Fuels Association.
Investors pressurise Smucker into sustainability goals
09 August 2012JM Smucker has bowed to investor pressure to assess and improve its climate risk disclosure and sustainability efforts, but more work still needs to be done, investors said.
Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio dip toes into water quality trading
09 August 2012Three US states have agreed to participate in the first interstate pilot of a water quality trading programme, designed to reduce the release of excess nutrients into the Ohio River Basin.