
  • US clean energy target to include nuclear, clean coal?

    16 December 2010

    The next US Congress has its sights on a clean energy standard (CES) that includes clean coal and new nuclear technology rather than a federal renewable electricity standard (RES), a shift that Barack Obama's administration seems willing to embrace.

  • Investors warned on risky unconventional fossil fuels

    16 December 2010

    Investors must scrutinise the significant risks associated with production of unconventional fossil fuel sources such as oil shale and coal-to-liquids (CTL), according to a report commissioned by Ceres.

  • UK overhauls electricity markets, clean energy subsidies

    16 December 2010

    The UK government today announced plans to overhaul the country's electricity market, introducing feed-in tariffs for clean energy generation and supporting carbon prices.

  • UK spending review 'hit clean-tech confidence' – report

    16 December 2010

    The UK's recent comprehensive spending review (CSR) has dented confidence within the UK's clean technology sector, despite being perceived by many as positive for environmental technologies, according to consultancy Ernst & Young.

  • CCS project for sale as coal company hits skids

    16 December 2010

    The UK's carbon capture and storage (CCS) ambitions have received a blow after funding problems forced the developer of a major CCS project into administration.

  • 11th hour rescue for renewables cash grant?

    09 December 2010

    A last-ditch effort to preserve the critical US Treasury grant programme for renewable energy projects may fall short amid Republican opposition, despite the urgent pleas of renewable trade associations, developers and green groups.

  • €500m boost for China climate projects

    09 December 2010

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) will lend China €500 million ($664.3 million) to fund climate change mitigation projects which are expected to avoid the release of up to 3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) annually.

  • UK advisers propose 60% carbon cuts by 2030, radical electricity market reform

    07 December 2010

    The UK must shrink its carbon footprint 60% by 2030 from 1990 levels, an influential committee has recommended, in one of the first attempts to set emissions target for this staging post on the way to 2050.

  • Europe set for 60% low-carbon electricity by 2030

    02 December 2010

    Low-carbon power sources should account for around 60% of European electricity production by 2030, says the industry association Eurelectric.

  • Green mutual funds outperform traditional in US – Trucost, RLP

    02 December 2010

    Equity mutual funds that incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) analysis are outperforming their more traditional peers, according to analysis by Trucost and RLP Capital.