
  • Biorefineries have big role in fight against climate change – WEF

    01 July 2010

    Biorefineries – facilities that convert biomass into fuel, energy, chemicals and materials – have a major role to play in combating climate change, says a World Economic Forum (WEF) report.

  • New funds to boost exposure to carbon-efficient companies

    01 July 2010

    A British investment company has become the latest to offer carbon-orientated funds that aim to promote "traditional investment with a carbon tilt".

  • Wheb branches out into renewables infrastructure

    01 July 2010

    UK asset management company Wheb has hired four infrastructure investment specialists who are seeking €200 million ($247 million) for a Europe-focused renewable energy infrastructure fund.

  • New FTSE indexes put spotlight on carbon risk

    24 June 2010

    Two new carbon risk indexes aim to highlight the low-carbon economy's corporate "winners and losers" and improve carbon risk integration.

  • Impax staffing up, eyeing Asia, as assets near £2bn

    24 June 2010

    Environmental investment pioneer Impax is planning to increase its head count by 10% this year, as its assets under management (AUM) near £2 billion ($3 billion).

  • Industry slams EPA stalling on E15 approval

    24 June 2010

    The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) has attacked the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for delaying a decision on the use of 15% ethanol blends, or E15, in cars.

  • Russell and RepuTex to launch carbon-risk equity indexes

    17 June 2010

    Russell Investments is collaborating with climate risk analysis firm RepuTex to develop an environmental index series.

  • Consensus closes African clean-tech fund at $94m

    10 June 2010

    Consensus Business Group has raised $94 million into its Evolution One Fund to invest in clean technology projects and companies in southern Africa.

  • Private equity leader to expand 'green portfolio' programme

    10 June 2010

    A pioneering programme to better manage the environmental impacts of companies in Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co's (KKR) private equity portfolio is to be expanded, as costs savings have reached $160 million over two years.

  • First Chinese index to track low-carbon firms

    10 June 2010

    A first-of-its-kind index tracking Chinese low-carbon businesses has been launched by the China Beijing Environmental Exchange (CBEEX) and clean-tech investor VantagePoint Partners.