
  • Brazilian indigenous protection rowback a 'fiduciary risk for investors', says BlueBay

    07 December 2023

    Potential legislation deemed "anti-indigenous" in Brazil is a "fiduciary risk for investors" and a concern for Brazil's economic and sustainable prosperity, BlueBay Asset Management told Environmental Finance.

  • RBC BlueBay: Investors need green bond 'policing' standard

    25 July 2023

    Investors need to develop an industry-wide standard to provide clear rules to "police" green bonds which stray from market expectations following issuance, according to RBC BlueBay Asset Management.

  • Sovereigns should use SLBs 'to help reinforce climate commitments'

    21 July 2023

    RBC BlueBay's Jana Harvey argues SLBs could help incentivise action on Paris Agreement. Ahren Lester reports

  • Chile enhances its SLBs in latest issue, and promises more to come

    03 July 2023

    The return of Chile to the sustainability-linked bond (SLB) market has been praised for the addition of a more diverse target mix - becoming the first sovereign SLB issuer to include a gender target.

  • People moves 17 March: Aviva Investors, EdenTree, Aegon ... and more

    17 March 2023
  • The Future of ESG Data: Environmental concerns rising up the agenda for sovereign bonds

    16 September 2020

    Environmental factors are becoming increasingly material considerations for investors in sovereign bonds, according to a panel of experts at Environmental Finance's The Future of ESG Data conference.

  • ESG in Fixed Income Europe, featuring Green Bonds

    03 July 2019

    Nearly 400 delegates attended the conference, now in its ninth year`

  • 'Prepare for abrupt repricing’ of climate risks in sovereign bonds

    24 May 2019

    Climate risk is underestimated as a risk factor by investors in sovereign bonds, who should prepare for the possibility of “an eventual abrupt repricing of environmental risks, including climate risks”, according to the findings of a major study.

  • Regulatory ‘stick’ is driving credit rating agencies’ ESG efforts, says BlueBay

    08 February 2019

    The threat of regulation has driven a flurry of activity in recent months among major credit rating agencies (CRAs) S&P Global, Moody’s and Fitch as they look to better capture environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk factors in their ratings, according to BlueBay Asset Management.

  • Natixis proposes toolkit to tackle SDG-washing

    21 September 2018

    Investors are "massively dissatisfied" with the way companies report their contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to Natixis.