
  • Prepare to report on climate - even companies in the US

    07 August 2023

    Despite the politicization of ESG, US companies will not be exempt from the global momentum towards mandatory disclosure, write Jake Rascoff and Randi Mail

  • 'More crosses than checks' for insurers in analysis of regulatory disclosures

    25 July 2023

    US insurers fall short in measuring climate risks and setting targets to mitigate these, with "more crosses than check marks" given to insurers in an analysis of disclosures to US regulators.

  • Investor Agenda adds deforestation to transition plan guidance

    12 July 2023
  • CA100+ second phase targets greater transparency following criticism

    08 June 2023

    The landmark Climate Action 100+ (CA100+) initiative to pressure high-emitting companies to take climate action has announced a spate of reforms targeted at increasing transparency and driving more tangible outcomes.

  • IIGCC to step up pressure on banks to demonstrate action on net zero

    06 June 2023

    A group representing investors with €65 trillion ($70 trillion) in assets under management has published a set of expectations for banks, as they push for more details on how banks will act on pledges to achieve net zero emissions.

  • SEC climate disclosure law 'to be delayed to H2'

    26 April 2023

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) planned climate disclosure rules are likely to be delayed to the second half of 2023, an Environmental Finance conference heard.

  • NA100 to publish list of target companies in June, says Robeco

    24 March 2023

    The Nature Action 100 (NA100) investor collaborative engagement initiative is expected in June to publish a list of companies that it will target, according to one of the initiative's members.

  • COP15: Nature Action 100 engagement initiative launched

    12 December 2022

    The Nature Action 100 (NA100) engagement initiative has been 'soft launched' at biodiversity COP15 in Montreal, where it was revealed that the initiative is gathering momentum, with more than 120 investors considering participating.

  • Investors select NA100 secretariat

    16 November 2022
  • $42trn investor group tells governments to act on methane pledge

    02 November 2022

    602 investors representing about $42 trillion in assets under management have called on governments ahead of COP27 to implement five policy actions, including committing to implement the Global Methane Pledge.