
  • Green bond round-up: Société du Grand Paris, Duke Energy, ReNew Power, Kommuninvest, World Bank, Santa Fe

    13 March 2019
  • Amundi's one-year-old green bond fund 'ahead of schedule'

    04 March 2019

    The world's largest green bond fund bought more green-labelled issuance in its first year than originally anticipated, Frédéric Samama tells Michael Hurley

  • Green bond comment, February: Europe shows the way

    06 February 2019

    European issuers, investors and regulators are in the driving seat as the green bond market prepares for further growth, says Graham Cooper.

  • Barclays plans to double green bond investments to £4bn

    20 December 2018

    Barclays plans to grow its investments in green bonds to £4 billion ($5 billion), having already broken through its original target to commit £2 billion.

  • Green bond round-up, 7 November 2018

    07 November 2018

    MuenchenerHyp set the coupon on its debut five-year green Pfandbrief at 0.250% and priced the deal at eight basis points below the mid-swaps rate.

  • The anatomy of a taxonomy

    11 July 2018

    The European Commission has a highly ambitious target - to develop a taxonomy to define what is green and act as a compass for sustainable finance. But there's a long and rocky road ahead for this controversial initiative, find Nick Roumpis and Peter Cripps

  • Amundi's early mover

    21 June 2018

    Frédéric Samama has been a key mover in the Portfolio Decarbonisation Coalition, the creation of low-carbon indexes, and now the world's biggest green bond fund. He talks to Peter Cripps

  • Development bank finance for climate projects jumps 28%

    14 June 2018

    Financing of climate-related projects by multilateral development banks (MDBs) soared 28% last year to a record high of $35.2 billion.

  • Water: managing risk and embracing opportunity

    10 May 2018

    More than 100 delegates gathered at Environmental Finance's conference on water, hosted by the London Stock Exchange, to discuss an investment opportunity worth about $7.5 trillion, writes Michael Hurley.

  • IFC and Amundi close world's largest green bond fund

    16 March 2018

    The world's biggest green bond fund was officially launched today, having raised $1.42 billion to buy paper from banks in emerging markets.