Insurance giants form Net-Zero Insurance Alliance
12 July 2021 -
Banks with $29trn in assets pledge to set 2050 'net zero' targets
21 April 2021A group of banks with about $28.5 trillion in assets has joined a UN-convened 'Net Zero Banking Alliance', and in doing so pledged to "align operational and attributable emissions from their portfolios with pathways to net-zero by 2050 or sooner".
AMF study identifies weaknesses in French institutions' TCFD reports
05 January 2021Financial institutions continue to struggle to report decision-useful information on how their overall strategy responds to climate change, according to an analysis of French financial institutions' Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reports.
Biodiversity accounting initiative outlines initial guidelines
25 September 2020A report endorsed by banks and asset managers has laid out a common approach to measuring positive impact on biodiversity.
Insurers say regulators have the sustainability power
21 August 2020JP Morgan Asset Management and Environmental Finance's sister publication Insurance Asset Risk have joined forces to understand what lies under the bonnet of insurers' responsible investment announcements. Findings were compiled in a report. We present some of the key high- level discoveries, with part one focusing on regulation. Vincent Huck reports
ESG's negative impact on returns - myth or reality?
30 July 2020A growing number of insurers have announced new or upgraded sustainable investment strategies in recent years. JP Morgan Asset Management and Environmental Finance's sister publication Insurance Asset Risk have joined forces to investigate the drivers behind insurers' sustainable strategies. Vincent Huck reports on the high-level key findings
Insurers' oil and gas activities to be next under spotlight
18 June 2020Re/insurers around the world should limit their support for oil and gas projects and have until mid-September to explain the measures they are taking to reduce exposure to the sector, according to environmental NGOs.
Scor joins Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance
29 May 2020Advances disinvestment from coal, total withdrawal by 2040
Swiss Re saluted for reducing coal underwriting and investment
02 December 2019Swiss Re has been doing more than other insurers to limit its exposure to coal on both sides of the balance sheet, a report by Unfriend Coal has revealed.
People Moves: Newton, AMF, LuxSE, Church Commissioners
27 September 2019Newton Investment Management has hired Andrew Parry as head of sustainable investment, as part of the expansion of its responsible investment team.