
  • Optimism trumps uncertainty

    04 September 2018

    The market for carbon offsets remains buoyant, despite regulatory uncertainty. Elena K. Johansson talks to winners of our annual Voluntary Carbon Markets Rankings to find out why.

  • ISS expands ESG offering with Oekom acquisition

    15 March 2018

    Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) has continued to build out its capabilities in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) data arena, with the acquisition of Oekom Research, arguably the last of the independent second party opinion providers in the green bond market.

  • South Pole launches EcoAustralia to support Aussie biodiversity

    21 February 2018

    South Pole has launched a new product to support the regeneration and preservation of Australia's biodiversity.

  • Strong markets await regulatory changes

    03 January 2018

    Markets for renewable energy certificates (RECs) are growing around the world, but regulatory developments are keeping the biggest market players on their toes, says Nick Roumpis

  • Structural work underpins carbon market optimism

    03 January 2018

    If 2017 was the year of carbon market maintenance, with legislation extending the life of schemes in the US and Europe, 2018 could be defined by greater linking between initiatives, says Michael Hurley

  • Reforms boost outlook for carbon and renewables markets

    03 January 2018

    A year of regulatory changes has boosted confidence that environmental markets have a bright future, say the winners in this year's Environmental Finance annual Market Rankings

  • Corporates unprepared to meet TCFD's target for 2018 disclosures, survey finds

    20 December 2017

    Fewer than one in five corporates plan to disclose in line with Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations next year, according to a survey by South Pole Group, despite the FSB's target for disclosure from 2018.

  • China launches world's largest emissions trading scheme

    19 December 2017

    China has announced the long-awaited launch of its national emissions trading scheme (ETS), which will immediately become the largest of its type in the world, according to analysts.

  • Environmental Finance announces Annual Market Rankings Winners

    15 December 2017

    Environmental Finance is proud to announce the winners in its 18th Annual Market Rankings.

  • Voting in Environmental Finance's 18th Annual Market Rankings closes soon

    03 November 2017

    Voting has begun in the Environmental Finance Annual Market Rankings – the largest and most closely watched survey of the world's environmental markets.