
  • Pandemics come and go, climate risk here to stay, Swiss Re warns

    08 April 2020

    Financial markets must not lose sight of the threat from global warming in the frenzy around the Covid-19 pandemic, Swiss Re has warned.

  • Cat modelling awakens to climate change risk

    08 April 2020

    Responsibility for understanding the implications of climate change for insurers has largely fallen on the shoulders of the catastrophe modelling community. They are responding with a more dynamic and multi-faceted view, as Paul Walsh reports

  • European re/insurers at forefront of fossil fuel withdrawal, Moody's reveals

    26 February 2020

    Axa, Allianz, Swiss Re, Munich Re and Zurich have made greater progress than their global peers in reducing exposure to fossil fuels and thermal coal in particular, according to a Moody's Investors Service report.

  • Swiss Re saluted for reducing coal underwriting and investment

    02 December 2019

    Swiss Re has been doing more than other insurers to limit its exposure to coal on both sides of the balance sheet, a report by Unfriend Coal has revealed.

  • MSCI anticipates EU climate benchmarks with new index series

    07 November 2019

    MSCI has raced out of the EU legislative starting blocks with the launch of two series of indexes designed to meet the minimum standards of proposed categories of climate-related benchmarks.

  • LeapFrog – targeting the emerging consumer

    21 October 2019

    How does the world's biggest private equity impact specialist invest? Joe Walsh reports

  • TEG expects ‘massive domino effect’ of ESG benchmark disclosures

    01 October 2019

    A prominent member of the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) has predicted that recommendations for minimum disclosure requirements for most investment indexes “will have a massive domino effect” on companies publishing environmental, social and governance (ESG) information.

  • Insurance and Climate Risk Americas 2019

    30 September 2019

    Delegates at Environmental Finance’s Insurance and Climate Risk Americas conference in New York heard how climate-related legislation is racing up the agenda in the US, Michael Hurley reports

  • Credit rating agencies have more work to do on climate risk, hears insurance conference

    26 September 2019

    Credit rating agencies have not adequately captured climate risks in their considerations of public sector debt, a panel at the Insurance and climate risk conference heard.

  • Pension funds and insurers commit to carbon-neutral investments by 2050

    25 September 2019

    The newly launched alliance is responsible for $2.4trn in investments