
  • Greenko prices India's first high yield dollar green bond

    11 August 2016

    Greenko has priced India's first dollar-denominated 'high yield' corporate green bond, with more expected to follow.

  • After Paris, banks need to up their game on climate change

    11 July 2016

    Banks are only just beginning to grasp the opportunities presented by the transition to a low-carbon economy, argues Lauren Compere

  • Baldinger leaves RobecoSAM to become UBS sustainability head

    08 July 2016

    Michael Baldinger is to step down as CEO of RobecoSAM, and will lead UBS's efforts to become a "leader" in the sustainable asset management space.

  • US power company issues second benchmark-sized green bond

    14 June 2016

    Southern Power has returned to the green bond market with its second benchmark issue, this time denominated in euros.

  • EF BRIEFS: FSB, Axis Bank, EIB, Stockholm, Canadian Solar, GRI, BP

    23 May 2016

    The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has appointed nine more members to its new Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

  • Initiative aims to help banks measure the economic impact of drought

    04 May 2016

    Nine banks have joined an initiative to help measure the economic impact of drought in their stress testing scenarios.

  • Financial firms join forces to raise $8bn for sustainable investments

    06 April 2016

    Bank of America has formed a new partnership within its Catalytic Finance Initiative (CFI) that aims to direct $8 billion to "high-impact sustainable investments".

  • UBS sustainable ETFs 'to break through the £500m mark'

    21 March 2016

    Investments in UBS's sustainable exchange traded fund (ETF) business are expected to break through the £500 million ($720 million) barrier this year.

  • UK's GIB launches £4bn privatisation in bid to double in size

    03 March 2016

    Two banks mandated for sale process

  • SunEdison continues to haemorrhage senior staff

    04 February 2016

    Paul Gaynor has become latest high-level departure at beleaguered renewables giant SunEdison, according to a UBS research note.