
  • Carbon prices fall in Chinese pilot schemes ahead of national market

    28 October 2015

    The price of carbon allowances in all but one of China's pilot emission trading schemes has fallen significantly since April, as participants prepare for the expected launch of a national market in 2017.

  • Mexico Stock Exchange to launch green bond list

    26 October 2015

    Mexico's stock exchange plans to launch the first green bond segment outside Europe, as it seeks to lay the foundations for the development of a market in the country.

  • Not all types of water projects should be considered green

    23 October 2015

    There is a huge need for infrastructure spending on water projects. But not all of these investments should be eligible for green bonds, argues Giulio Boccaletti

  • Politicians add to calls for a price on carbon emissions

    20 October 2015

    Leading politicians have come together to support calls for a price on carbon emissions, ahead of the UN's climate change talks in Paris in December.

  • Bangladesh Bank to invest in green bonds

    13 October 2015

    Bangladesh Bank plans to invest part of its foreign exchange reserve in green bonds, making it the first central bank to do so, according to local reports.

  • World Bank issues carbon-linked bonds to methane reduction projects

    08 October 2015

    The World Bank has issued its first carbon-linked bonds under its innovative Pilot Auction Facility (PAF) for projects that reduce methane emissions.

  • People moves

    24 September 2015

    A round-up of the latest new appointments and moves in the industry, including changes at HSBC, CDP, RobecoSAM, Impax, MSCI and the World Bank.

  • Sweden tops Sarasin's new sovereign sustainability matrix

    26 August 2015

    Sweden has come top of J. Safra Sarasin's newly created sovereign sustainability matrix, which Sarasin says will complement existing ratings for sovereign bond issuers.

  • World Bank reveals environmental impact of its 77 green bond projects

    03 August 2015

    The World Bank, one of the largest issuers of green bonds, has published a detailed summary of the environmental and social impacts of all 77 projects financed by the proceeds.

  • India's plans to offer dollar-linked tariffs for renewables under scrutiny

    30 July 2015

    The risks of offering dollar-linked tariffs for renewable energy need to be carefully managed, argues Gireesh Shrimali