
  • Will TCFD boost demand for weather hedging?

    30 July 2018

    Growing pressure on companies and investors to disclose the potential impact of climate-change could lead to more use of weather risk management contracts, some analysts believe. Graham Cooper reports

  • New report aims to help companies disclose physical climate risks

    01 June 2018

    The disclosure of physical climate risks has received less attention than reporting transition climate risks, it was claimed at the launch of a report that aims to help redress the balance.

  • Insurers' strategic responses to climate change

    11 April 2017

    The third and final part of this series of features about the insurance sector looks at group level responses to climate change. Peter Cripps reports

  • Insuring in a changing climate

    10 October 2016

    A year after the PRA's landmark report into the insurance sector and climate change, Environmental Finance looks at how the industry is responding.