
  • Feeding the beast: are US yieldcos sustainable?

    30 September 2015

    Yieldcos have been growing rapidly in recent years, but what are their long-term prospects, asks Hamza Ali

  • A range of opinions

    13 April 2015

    Second-party opinion providers are becoming increasingly important to the green bond market. Sophie Robinson Tillett takes a look at the different providers

  • Yieldcos to bolster high-yield green bond market, says expert at Calvert

    16 March 2015

    The renewable energy market's love affair with 'yieldcos' will boost the green bond market this year, according to environmental and social investor Calvert.

  • Calvert launches innovative green bond fund

    31 October 2013

    Calvert Investments has today launched an innovative green bond fund designed to tap into growing demand for environmentally friendly investments.