
  • Skeleton EU sustainability taxonomy unveiled

    24 May 2018

    The European Commission today revealed the first concrete proposals under its ground-breaking sustainable finance action plan, including the bare bones of a taxonomy, which will underpin much of the development to come.

  • EU set to announce legislative proposals on sustainability taxonomy

    23 May 2018

    The first legislative proposals on the European Union’s Sustainable Finance Action Plan will be released tomorrow, and are expected to give a firmer indication of its plans for its long-awaited taxonomy.

  • An action plan for sustainable finance

    27 April 2018

    The European Commission in March launched an ambitious action plan it hopes will catapult the European Union (EU) into the position of global leader for sustainable finance. Nick Roumpis reports

  • Banque de France calls for 'brown penalising factor'

    09 April 2018

    The idea of raising capital requirements on assets with high sustainability risks, by means of a so-called 'brown penalising factor', has won support from François Villeroy de Galhau, governor of the Banque de France.

  • Most parts of EU's action plan rely on a clear taxonomy, Dombrovskis says

    21 March 2018

    A strong and clear taxonomy across Europe is fundamental for the successful implementation of the European Commission's sustainable finance action plan, a senior politician has said.

  • European Commission launches sustainable finance action plan

    08 March 2018

    The European Commission has launched a sustainable finance action plan, which will see it forge ahead with the creation of a taxonomy for sustainable finance and a green bond standard.

  • The role of ESG in fiduciary duty needs clarity

    27 December 2017

    Investors should endorse the European Commission's mission to clarify how environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors form a central part of their fiduciary duty, Nathan Fabian says

  • European Commission 'looking positively' at lower capital charges for green loans

    12 December 2017

    The European Commission is favourably disposed to the possibility of lowering capital charges on bank loans for climate-friendly projects, according to its vice president, Valdis Dombrovskis.

  • Green and sustainability taxonomy to be announced at Macron summit

    08 December 2017

    A taxonomy that defines green and sustainable investments will be announced next week by the European Commission at a summit hosted by French President Macron.

  • Experts call for reform of financial regulation to promote sustainability

    14 July 2017

    Regulations governing banks, insurers and asset managers should be reformed "to facilitate green and sustainable investment", according to a group of experts appointed by the European Commission.