
  • Volatility and big volumes in green certificates markets

    17 December 2015

    While some US Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) markets traded at record highs this year, low prices persist in Europe, reports Hamza Ali

  • Profile: Ben Goldsmith/Menhaden Capital

    19 November 2015

    Ben Goldsmith explains why his new fund, Menhaden Capital, is investing in energy and resource efficiency - and why it's named after a fish. Sophie Robinson-Tillett reports

  • The UK renewables industry needs support, not knee-jerk cuts

    03 November 2015

    The UK's renewables sector has been hit by a series of hostile policy changes. But the industry needs stability and support to encourage investment, argues Charles Yates

  • New York's clean energy catalyst

    14 October 2015

    The state's 'green bank' is poised to help scale up clean energy investment and has even asked for its own borrowing powers. Its President, Alfred Griffin, talks to Peter Cripps

  • It's the environment, stupid!

    09 October 2015

    The environment has muscled its way up the financial agenda, and can no longer be ignored by prudent investors, says Peter Cripps.

  • Quotes of the Quarter

    05 October 2015

    Environmental Finance takes a look back at some of the quotes that defined the third quarter of 2015.

  • Feeding the beast: are US yieldcos sustainable?

    30 September 2015

    Yieldcos have been growing rapidly in recent years, but what are their long-term prospects, asks Hamza Ali

  • Financing offshore wind: blowing in the right direction

    03 September 2015

    What are the lessons to be learned from the numerous success stories in the offshore wind so far, asks Roland Chalons-Browne

  • Driving geothermal deployment in developing countries

    21 August 2015

    Well-directed public finance has the potential unlock tens of billions of private sector geothermal investment in developing countries, argues Valerio Micale

  • Solar ABS: Securitising sunshine

    19 August 2015

    After recent issues from SolarCity and Sunrun, how much potential is there for solar asset-backed securitisations, asks Peter Cripps