
  • Could interest rate rises burst the bubble for renewables?

    04 January 2018

    Could clean energy investment trusts help shield renewables against the normalisation of monetary policy, asks Matthew Huxham

  • More corporates seek shelter from the weather

    03 January 2018

    The weather risk management business is in good health and poised for further growth, leading market participants tell Graham Cooper

  • Strong markets await regulatory changes

    03 January 2018

    Markets for renewable energy certificates (RECs) are growing around the world, but regulatory developments are keeping the biggest market players on their toes, says Nick Roumpis

  • First subsidy free bid placed in Dutch offshore wind auctions

    18 December 2017

    Last week, the Dutch offshore wind tender for the Hollandse Kust (Zuid) Wind Farm Zone (HKZ) opened. Against a backdrop of lively debate about whether it would happen, the first subsidy-free bid was received within hours of opening. Wouter Hertzberger takes a look at the build-up and how we got to this point.

  • Timing and overcrowding: the challenges facing insurers in renewables

    27 November 2017

    Renewable energy is a popular asset class for insurers within the alternatives universe, and the trend is likely to continue based on the industry's growth forecasts. But challenges remain for insurers looking to grow exposure in unfamiliar territory. Asa Gibson reports

  • Taking inspiration from the renewables revolution

    12 October 2017

    What lessons can be learned from the evolution of the renewables industry, and what lies ahead for energy storage, asks Samer Salty

  • Time for UK to take lead in tidal power

    14 July 2017

    Tidal power could provide a substantial share of the UK's future energy requirements and the long life of the underlying assets could be attractive to pension funds, says Liam O'Keeffe.

  • US Yieldcos: escaping the parent trap

    23 June 2017

    A recent spate of M&As in the yieldco space seems to point to a new chapter in the model's evolution. Hamza Ali reports

  • Sustainability in the digital age

    16 June 2017

    Zouk Capital's Samer Salty explains his thoughts on sustainable investing, cleantech and the measurement of impact to Peter Cripps

  • Why Allianz is investing where the wind blows

    10 February 2017

    Allianz's in-house alternative asset manager has closed four tax equity investments in US wind farms in only 12 months, and plans more in 2017. Head of renewables at Allianz Capital Partners David Jones talks to Asa Gibson about the firm's American wind adventure.